Saturday, November 08, 2008

Jules' 23rd!

I think this is the first time in many years I've had so much fun on my birthday! And I do believe, this marks the first time I drank ON my birthday! As usual birthdays will be filled with karaoke sessions for us, so not wanting to break the tradition, we had my party in S3 in Melaka.

It was pretty well planned, ken said that we have to have karaoke sessions as we're not as together as we were back then so its very important that we have our really crazy uni moments even when we're already working now. So, the crowd was just about ten-ish but we're like animal siblings. That's why I've never denied the darwin's theory, cos deep down, we're still live like the monkeys.

What we did?

-2 bottles of spirits hard liquors
-human pile ups
-shouting instead of singing
-crazy dance
-photo taking
-wedgies and the typical malaccan gay acts

I came with a happy heart. I left with a happier & opened heart, and injuries on my shoulder, knee, and palm. Injuries that never felt so good. Cos it was for a good reason.

really a few moments before i got the cake smashed in the face

Ken: "Shuddup la gimme the mic and drink!"

Us + the wall

a few defensive moves before i succumbed to ah liang's evil ways

The constipating monkeys

You could see that jimmy really liked the song, Liang happily singing and me breathless

We're the backstreetboys

The usual gay acts


Kind wishes from

Happy Birthday Julian!

This is one strong man. On the first day he came, we were running him through the introduction for Pushmore. Halfway through, he saw Soon doing a muscle up. He asked-What that was-how it was done-they taught him-he did it on the first try-and I have been jealous ever since. I've been in pushmore for 8 months and my name is still not on the muscle up list. All jokes aside, Julian is a fun guy to be around with and exceptionally determine when it comes to working out. On the second day of pushmore for him, his wod were double unders. He subbed them for tuck jumps. He finished in 26:10. That was July. 4 months later, 5 day ago, he shaved off 18 minutes and 7 seconds for his double unders wod. What a great improvement ! He is one of the few that has 30 rounds of "Chelsea" in his pocket too. Great job and continue to kick ass in the workouts. Have a great day! Happy birthday once again from everyone at Pushmore !
