Saturday, January 16, 2010

There Will Be An Answer, Let It Be.

Happy new year, all, this, will be my first post for 2010, since my last post sometime in November. Its been that long! Its the time of the year again where you start to reorganize your life, thinking about the things you should've done last year, or should do this year, or the things that you'd have to wait longer before you could do.

Well, it would definitely be the same for me... Reassessing what you're gonna do about your life. Before I let it slip again, I better write it down here.

How I've come up with my 2010 list is that, as we grow, I think we grow towards more insecurities in life and more worries. I guess that happens when you start lose focus on the things you do and setting the wrong priorities. The last quarter of 2009 and the begining of 2010 didn't seem too smooth for me. I hope the new lunar year will mark the begining of a good and smooth sailing year for me.

I think I've mixed up lots of things and got myself confused. I don't feel too satisfied at work or think I'm doing all the right things, I feel I haven't been putting much effort on everything I regularly do. I'm starting to think that I have less time in a day (which I would reinforce that I should not think so) to do the things that I wanna do, and I think I've somehow put aside friends and family a little bit lately. In 2010, this will change. Something has came into my life and I guess I have somehow messed up my own "personal schedule".

But besides the bad things, I've somethings that kept me going on despite the bad things happening. And these, are my short term goals, challenges, hurdles that would motivate me and help get me back up again during the down times. And ironically, its nothing really important at all, to many people... that you'd just go... 'Nyeh..." But fuck you if you think so cos they matter to me.

I would like to change the wrongs and make them right this year, and continue doing the right things... so here goes my list...

1. To run more than 100km by 31st Dec 2010
2. To increase my attention span at work by reading important materials at least 2x and make it a habit by June 2010.
3. To save a consistent amount of money every month after CNY 2010.
4. Reduce no. of FFK to any respective friends to at most once a month / person starting 1st Feb 2010.
5. To have another family trip between September - December 2010.
6. To have at least 3 trips with my closest friend in 2010.
7. To finish at least 2 WODs per day for at least 3 days a week.
8. 42% work, 8% gym, 16% Friends and Family, 33% Sleep - This should more or less be my average daily ratio in 2010. The only constant variable will be between Friends and Family and Sleep.

Short term goals

1. By March 2010 - buy new running shoes below RM299
2. By March 2010 - Finish 30 Muscle ups in 4:10
3. By March 2010 - Finish 150 double unders in 1:40
4. By CNY 2010 - Get the watch fixed!
5. By July 2010 - To improve my 20/21 km run to 2:00:00
6. By May 2010 - To improve my 10km run to below one hour.

There's 2 long term goals I'd like to have.. and I pinpointed at the age of latest 40, to already have a business that is either a funeral business, or a marketing execution and planning business. And by the age of 30, to already have experienced the show biz in Malaysia.

I would like to change myself in 2010 against the person I am in 2009,

1. Let the mind be stronger than the emotions that come against it.
2. Be less foolish when handling your own feelings.
3. Be sure to make a bold decision to protect yourself against your weaker self.
4. Remember that no one around you is more evil than your weaker self.
5. Expect more from yourself, expect less from anyone else.
6. Spend less time thinking, spend more time doing
7. Understand that in certain situations, losing less is a gain.
8. Be more judgemental of the people who surround you.
9. Have more faith in God.
10. Excitement (Things people do to make you feel) is temporary, Passion (Things that you naturally feel for) is long lasting.

I hope that all of you have your own list of things that is essential to some sort of self actualization this year. And I hope all for the better for anyone of you. Happy new year, and all the best in realizing your goals!

And, I've already started embarking on my first goal of 2010, by finishing a 20km race!

More music, dress better, healthy snacks, go home often, save money, work passionately, run further, fly further, more beach holidays, stay healthy.