This too shall pass
It was interesting to note that one of the top leaders in a company actually said "I don't believe in career maps" and "I probably don't have a plan yet". Talking from experience, she said that some people planned so far ahead that they totally shut their vision from seeing other opportunities. Having an idea of what you want to be is important, and knowing what you wouldn't and would sacrifice will guide you in your path. It is a journey at the end of the day, and most journeys brings us to destinations we least expect to.
It was said that there are two important things that separates a great leader from a good leader that is being humble and having the ability to keep learning. And I believe that is how your journey on your career would have evolved. Personally I have made decisions that the society think to be wrong, but from my own experience, they are often untrue. You make sense out of your own decisions and humans have the natural instinct to a complex series of fight or flight all in the name of survival, and achieving a better life.
And most often than not, we fail to see it that way - again because as mentioned earlier in this write up, we tend to look to far ahead. I recently spoke to a close friend and he reminded me about how he keeps close to his heart about how "this too shall pass". That everything bad or good that happens will pass and you will look back and if it's a bad thing you'd say this is something that I've already overcame and if it's a good thing, then you'd say you've achieved it.
Live for today, plan a little ahead, but always take time to look things in perspective. "don't look too far ahead, take time to look at how far you've come"