Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Seize the day, or die regretting the time you lost

There comes a time, when you start to relook into ur life thinking, where you're going, if you're saving enough money, where your friends are now... Etc etc. Well, I kinda respect those who knew what they want in life early, they waste no time in achieving what they yearn for in life.

Its unfortunate that only now I'm starting to think of my savings, after these 4 years of working reflecting on how I little time I spent on planning my future. No doubt my career jumps helped me financially, but I guess that's also a sign that I'm having to eat something to fill me up, not because I really wanna eat it.

Sometimes, its not easy to focus when one succumbs to consumerism. We're all sucker for things, valueable or not, we want to have that extra pair of shoes we don't need, that nice looking furniture that doesn't fit, and ipad...

Everyone needs to start somewhere. Some people start with getting that job they want so badly and start thinking then how they want their life to be in the next 50 years or so. For me, it started when I find the right person, thinking about finding a place for my family to be in, having a car, saving some money for yearly vacations... Buy what I want.

Right now, its not much, but its something, now at least I know in one part of my life I'm doing things right.

Its save to say, my future starts with a person and an excel sheet for tracking purposes.. XD


Does anybody know where I can get my car lock fixed? My car keys are jammed at the door lock and driving that way makes one look extremely silly.

Need to know how much and most importantly, please recommend a mechanic that doesn't rip off money.

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone


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