Friday, September 09, 2011

So far in my countable number of years, I have seen many types of people. Not to say that I am a very experienced person, but what I'm saying is... I have seen many talented and successful people. Be within this category, I have to say i have also seen the subsets of successful people.

Successful may be of my own standards. To me, some successful people are who may have achieved things I wish to have but could be someone who have seemed to achieved something, or some even worse... Not being recognized.

Well, you and I would know too well that there are some really successful people who you would have no doubt about their achievements. But I have to say I have seen lazy people who are successful, people who are successful but undeserving, Stupid people who are successful but intelligent ones who are not successful. Or the other way round.

What I'm saying is no matter how much you have planned or want things to work your way, there are times where fate work it's way.

So I think a success of a person, whether monetary or not would be clearly defined by the virtues that he or she holds close to the heart. Which is why when I have children in the future, I never want them to be what I didn't get to be, I want them to be what they will learn to want to be when they grow up. But I certainly want them to hold close to them some quality/virtue which will help them with that I am now not known for.

For these are the things which would help them in whatever they want to do in life. I don't care if they want to be doctors, teachers, sportsmen, a government servant, a CEO or a rockstar but I damn sure would instill in them about responsibility . To always keep to what you say and be accountable for it. And for doing that, he has to be brave and always be truthful.

And then the next thing would be leadership. Regardless of what you are, in life your leadership quality will bring you far in life. a football team can't operate well if you don't have a good captain. Likewise, a Bad CEO will lead a bad team no matter how good the members are.

Those may seem really serious and difficult things to implement but these are the everyday things you practice at home if you were taught about it. Just like washing your own dishes at home after eating, or admit to the wrongs you have done, or even make quick and wise decisions.

These are the little things that start at home, before they start to see that the real world... Isn't as beautiful what it would have been 20 years ago. That they would be thankful these are the qualities that the society would look for when they grow up.


About tattoo is not a fad and that there are many positive implication behind the idea

While I was reading the NST this morning on the way to the airport, there was this section on tattoo in this generation. It discusses about the taboos of having tattoos on an individual and as well as the discussion on the views of the society about tattoos.

One of the main things the author pointed out was the negative views on tattoos in the corporate world and the society as a whole. Tattooing has always been common with the people of the underworld. The way I see it is different. To me these tattoos have positive implications.

Although it is common that people who has tattoos are often regarded as those who do not do good things, but I do hope that this outdated thinking will soon be dismissed.

If we take a look at some history of tattooing, all of us know the culture has started hundreds or probably even thousands of years ago. It's been used as a for, of expression for a certain tribe and addressing them as warriors, even as a talisman for those who are going to war.

In terms of the modern world, tattoo have very often been associated to in Asian culture, the gangsters / yakuza... Etc

I think that was one of the reasons why our fore fathers have always forbid tattoos on their family member's skin - for the fear of being associated to the social outcasts.

But if look deeper into the meaning of those tattoos. An easy example would be to explain the tattoos of a yakuza member. Basically a certain type of mythical creature tattooed on a member would probably mean his belonging to a certain group, and the colors and extensiveness of the design would explain his level in the organization.

If you the about it, isn't that the same as a police officer wearing his uniform to show which organization he is from and the multiple badges on his shoulder and chest showing his level in his organization?

Just like a gun, it has no evil intentions, the person who choose how to use it has. It is wrong to say that tattoos is a negative portrayal of a person just because a bad person have it and it becomes a social stereotype to anyone who has it.

We need to be able to have an open mind on things like this. We have stopped looking down on people based on their skin color and so must we on the things we choose to ink on our skin.

We practice freedom of thoughts and speech and this is a form of art that all of us should embrace. If tattoo is bad, so is painting on canvas. Many rich criminals/politicians have paintings hung on the wall of their houses, so is that bad too?


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